1 Continuous Bleaching Range
1203-INTES Continuous Bleaching 1989
1 Continuous Bleaching Range
INTES, Y.O.M. 1989, 3,20m wide, consisting of
3 pre-washing compartments, 15m capacity each, with squeezer
1 impregnating compartment, 15m capacity, with squeezer
1 steamer with 2.000m capacity, unbound
6 further washing compartments for rinsing, 15m capacity, with squeezer
1 big batcher at the end
The range is equipped with a dosing device. The steamer can be bypassed
so that the machine can also be used as a washing machine.
The range was very recently overhauled and is thus in excellent condition.
The range has a capacity of approx. 60.000m/day.